Friday, February 25, 2011

The Adventures of a Sock Monkey

These shots were taken at my house, and also in DISNEYLAND! It's the adventures of my Sock Monkey! Hope they make you laugh! They sure made me laugh.

This is Sock Monkey Chilling in on Tom Sawyer's Island in Disneyland near a waterfall.
This is Sock Monkey with his new friends Duffy, Duffy, and Duffy.
He went a little King Kong on me, and kidnapped me and took me to the Empire State Building. So unoriginal of him...
Need I say more?


Photoshop Effects!

These are some photos I've created! The first is where I copied and pasted 3 photos together, the second I blended two shots together. Enjoy!


Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Architecture and Landscapes!

Recently our class has had two separate projects, one on Architecture, the other awesome nature and landscape shots.

Here are my favorites from these two projects:



Today we fooled around with a pretty funny filter called "Sphere-ize" where we made it look like we had a "fish eye" lens on our camera. While most people made people's head 100x larger, I decided to go with the nature approach. I took the two extremes, concave and convex.


Oh the wonderful world of photoshop....
