Monday, October 25, 2010

My Blog Notes!

How to shoot a formal portrait:
· Place a background for the photo close to a wall. There should be 10-20 feet of clear space around it.
· Place a light at 45° to the right of the model, reflector can be adjusted according to what light works best
· Place camera 6-10 feet away
· The background should be blurry to put focus on model
· Watch out for direct sunlight!
· Look for open shade, like the shadow of the building, but make it’s not too dark
· Use a reflector for any bad shadows
· Be sure to include surroundings
· Try to capture a mood with the photo
· Use a subjects surrounding to better explain the person
· You must balance the background with the subject of else they might get drowned out, or drown out the background
· Use the clone or heal button
· To completely get rid of something, use 100% opacity, to fade something, use less
· You should show who you are through the photo

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Pumpkin Festival!

This weekend, I had to take pictures of what I did, which just happen to be my first ever trip to see the Pumpkin Festival in Half Moon Bay. I hope you enjoy!

Crowded, pumpkin-y, and loads of fun, I'm glad I finally went!


Wednesday, October 13, 2010


For this homework project, we had to take pictures of ourselves in different environments, like what we feel like when we're around our friends, at home, at school, and just ourselves. Here are my pictures:


Tuesday, October 5, 2010

My Photo Essay

Here is the Power Point Presentation on my Photo Essay called "Hurry Up and Wait", which is about the "backside" of the life of an Actor and what happens when one is not on stage. It goes through the process of following the "Techies" or people who put the show together, to getting ready for the show by putting on costumes and doing hair, and also the process of going through Rehearsals. Enjoy!
Hurry Up and Wait
View more presentations from Babsie Del Castello.

And also, here is a photo that accidentally got taken off the power point: