Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Line, Shape, and Form

Our Assignment this time was to take pictures of different shapes. I had some fun with this, but I think I was drawn more toward lines. :) Now that our class is getting artsy, I'm feeling more excitement. My goal right now is to get one of my pictures to be the picture of the day and get it posted to our class' main page.
Here are three of the photos I've chosen:


Friday, August 27, 2010

My Sun Print

As an Interesting Project we did as a Homework assignment was to do a "Sun Print". This is a type of simple light-exposure photography, where you set some shapes on the blue sheet, let the paper develop, and then soak it in water to stop the developing. Here is my finished product!I know, I know, it's small, but it has some potential. Next class we're going to photoshop these to no end, and I already have some cool ideas floating around in my head!


My first Assignment and Blog!

So, this is my first post! I'm really excited to be taking Photography this year. For the First Assignment, we did a Photographic Autobiography. These are my 3 favorite shots I took for this:

And here's the whole Project, I hope you enjoy!
